Vintage Style at Royal Ascot
Another year, another Royal Ascot. This time complete with a style guide and video illustrating the dress code. Some of the outfits we spotted on Ladies Day were much more curious than those suggested. There was definitely a vintage feel, with a lot of reference to the Edwardian era (see Visuology Magazine 3 – The Belle Epoque Issue for more inspiration on this period of history).
We bumped into quite a few visitors from San Francisco, including the debonair couple above, inspired by the Suffragette look. Coincidentally, Cicely, owner of Decades of Fashion was also in town for Royal Ascot – shown here wearing original Edwardian clothing.
Other curiosity costumes looked like they had come straight from a B movie props department. One imposing lady in a Boudicca style headdress presided over her entourage from a chariot-like wheelchair.
African fabrics and colourful designs were the order of the day for a lively group from South London. Longer length skirts seemed popular throughout.
And this Brummie pair combined African style with curiously camouflaged textiles and more Edwardian-style designs.
Milliner Ana Pribylova of AnaBella Millinery oozed old fashioned elegance. She has recently moved to the UK, where she is looking to grow her business in what is already a highly competitive marketplace.
If you happen to be looking for a bespoke hat for Royal Ascot, one of our favourite British milliners, Piers Atkinson, offers everything from quirky cool to dramatic vintage style – see below.
Finally, here’s yours truly wearing a handmade Mad Hatter number teamed up with a dress by Vivienne Westwood (don’t you just love her designs, even if she occasionally uses rayon…)
Plus thrift store Missoni bag, Terry de Havilland wedges, Prada sunglasses (from the 2012 classic American car collection) and a dusky rose pink marabou bolero.
Here’s to another vintage year!